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IFMGA guides in the Lyngen area: Join the daily online guide-meetings: guidemeeting.no

We recomend that all skiers download the free Varsom app on App Store or Google Play.

Read more about how to read and share observations on Varsom app and Regobs system | Varsom.no.

Ski touring in Norway - important information | Varsom.no

Avalanche warning for region Indre Sogn Friday 01.04.2022

Danger level 1 - Low avalanche danger

Generally stable avalanche conditions. Use caution in areas with wind deposited snow and cornices and where the sun makes the snow surface wet and soft.

Avalanche problems

Wet snow (loose snow avalanches)

You can easily trigger avalanches on a few steep slopes. Avalanches are relatively harmless to people, but can knock you off balance. Can be dangerous close to terrain traps. (size 1)

Loose snow

Wind drifted snow (slab avalanches)

You can trigger avalanches on a few steep slopes. Avalanches are relatively harmless to people, but can knock you off balance. Can be dangerous close to terrain traps. (size 1)

Buried weak layer of new snow

Below you can see a description of the current snow cover information and current weather forecast in the mountains. If your observations deviate greatly from what is described here, the warning will not necessarily apply either. Always make your own judgments or stay away from avalanche terrain.

Snow cover (in Norwegian)

Thursday 31. March 2022

Snødekket er tidligere påvirket av varme og regn opp til ca. 1500 moh. Over dette finnes det noe tørrsnø. Mest i østvendte heng. Snøfordelingen i terrenget er ellers jevn.

Per i dag er det trolig ingen svake lag i snøpakka, men foholdene er gunstige for rask dannelse av dette. Det er observert en del kantkorn på og nær overflaten, men dette er ikke et problem så lenge det ikke snør ned.

Tirsdag morgen meldes det om mye vann i snøen og kraftig solinnstråling i nærheten av Solvorn.

Mountain weather

Thursday 31. March 2022

Little to no precipitation. Breeze from north. -18 °C to -6 °C at 1400 m a.s.l. Partly cloudy.

Friday 1. April 2022

No precipitation. Breeze from north. -18 °C to -7 °C at 1400 m a.s.l. Partly cloudy.


The bulletin is a planning tool and may differ from the actual situation. Always make your own evaluation. To be 100 % avalanche safe, avoid all avalanche terrain.

Avalanche risk assessment

Solinnstråling kan gjøre at våte skred løsner i solvendte heng utover dagen. Skredene ventes ikke å bli store.
Gammel fokksnø ventes nå å være vanskelig å løse ut skred i.
Avalanche danger scale Important information for ski touring
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